Contact us.

Whether you're a local bakery who wants to stock our delicious treats or you have an important event coming up and you want to make it super special, get in touch with us here.

Whatever, your query is, use the form here on this page to get in touch and someone in the team will get back in touch, as soon as possible. You can contact us about:

  • Cakes, brownies, macarons and anything else.
  • Bespoke cakes for weddings, birthdays and events.
  • Large orders and corporate events.
  • Supplier queries.

    Alternatively, you can reach us on Facebook.


     And we'd love for you to pay us a visit:

    The Bakery, Chew Mill Farm, Elker Lane, Billington, Whalley, BB7 9HZ
    Call on - 01254 823275